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One-on-One Training

Leash Training Program



Hoku K9 Training One on One training sessions are tailored to meet the needs of you and your dog. During these sessions we utilize specialized training techniques as well as high quality training tools such as Herm Springer Prong Collar and food training to work to solve behavioral problems such as puppy biting, counter surfing, rushing the door and teach on leash obedience commands.

In this program your dog will learn
obedience commands such as: 

  • Sit 

  • Down

  • Place 

  • Beginning of duration work 

  • How to walk nicely on a leash with out pulling 

Behavioral problems
we may address include: 

  • Jumping 

  • Puppy biting 

  • Leash pulling and leash chewing 

  • Potty training

  • Counter surfing (aka eating everything on the table) 

  • Rushing the door

  • We may also help address problems that are not listed that your dog is struggling with. 


This program is great if you are willing to put in the work with your dog. We expect our one on one clients to work with their dog in-between sessions. We see amazing result if our clients are committed to putting in the time that it takes to train their dog at home. If you don't have as much time to work with your dog and would rather start with a fully trained dog our Board and Train Program might be the best option for you. 

These sessions may take place at our home or your home depending on the needs of the dog and our training schedule. 


The program includes 5 one hour training sessions. Apart from training during these sessions we will discus ANY and every question that you have and how to solve behavioral issues. We will also discus how to best set your dog up for success by giving them balance and structure. 

*price of Herm Springer Prong Collar is included  

One-on-One Leash Training Package

$500 * plus tax

Leash Training Program



This program is our advanced one on one training package! It includes one leash trainining and ecollar training. This program is for owners who want a well trained dog and and willing to put in the work. 


This program includes 10 training sessions! During these sessions we will be focusing on teaching you how to help your dog learn their basic commands and then moving on to off leash ecollar training. We are really excited to be able to work together to help you turn your dog into the trained dog of your dreams!

In this program your dog will learn
obedience commands such as: 

  • Come when called

  • Sit on and off leash 

  • Down on and off leash 

  • On and off leash place command  

We will also address
behavior issues such as:

  • Being noisy in the crate

  • Fence fighting 

  • Resource guarding/food aggression

  • Counter surfing  


In this training program we will also focus on proofing your dog in distracting environments such as the park or store. 

This is a great program for those who want to be able to take their dog with them but also want to make sure their dog can obey in new and unusual environments. 

Off Leash Training Package

$1180 * plus tax

*mini educator ecollar and prong collar are included 




In this program your dog will learn how to walk nicely on the leash without pulling, sniffing, or marking. 

This program is for pet owners who really want to focus on the walk.

During these training we will focus primarily on the walk and getting a nice heel. We will not be teaching other commands or addressing other behavior issues. If you would like your dog to learn other commands please refer to our One on One on leash Training Program above. 


This program is great for dogs that pull on the leash or are a little hard to manage on the walk.

This program includes 3 personalized training sessions in which we will focus on getting your dog to walk really well on the leash. 

Dog Walking Program

$300 * plus tax

*price of Herm Springer Prong Collar is included

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